Thursday, December 4, 2008

Now I get the face masks

So I've noticed since the weather got cold there has been a proliferation of face masks. What back in the states was only worn by Surgeons. Here they come in cute little animals and with comic book characters. I was walking home from school today. Like everyday it involves a certain amount of ritual as I run into people in the neighborhood. Anyone who could possibly be older than me or the mother of one of my students gets a bow. Not a problem any more. I'm sure by the time I move back to the states I'll be bowing all over there and it will be humorous. But today as my cold meds were wearing off my nose was running a bit. I bowed once to an older gentlman as I rounded the first corner past school. I came around the next one and three older women. Bow, Bow, booooooowwwwwwwww. My siniuses were screaming about all the movement. I was almost home less than 25 yrds to my door and I could blow my nose and take some medicine. Shoot. There is my landlord. So one more bow and as I do it my nose leaks. Yup right no the street. I had bowed far enought that my nose just ran out. Didn't hit me just the sidewalk. I don't think he noticed it but I was admitedly going EEEEWWWW. Ran in the door, blew my nose and then it came to me... if I was Korean enough to wear a mask... I wouldn't have leaked on the street.

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