Sunday, December 7, 2008

Laughing at myself daily

Every day around here brings yet another opportunity to not take myself seriously. The last week is no exception. Monday, I was walking to school and just about took a nice fall after stepping on some ice... the kicker.. it was in front of the school with some students watching so my arms flailing and my sudden stop and attempt to balance myself was the source of some giggles... till one of the girls giggling at me also hit the ice and really slid. She was fine but her ego was more bruised than mine.
Tuesday was uneventful.. but I'm sure something happened. I just don't remember it.
Wednesday I was walking up from the bus stop and as I was coming past one of the fresh fish places a squid started to come out of the tank. I jumped and started walking quicker... the ashoshis were grinning at me cause they saw me notice the squid and start to run.
For Thursdays fun see the post about face masks. Then Friday after my fears of seafood, soju and polite conversation. I was treated to a nice Italian dinner complete with red wine, and a grilling about why I didn't have a boyfriend only my mother could have administered better. Of course I was ducking and dodging the questions as to the real reason why. But there were offers of Korean sons, native teachers at other schools, anything so I wouldn't be the old maid that I am here. I politely declined, explained I was good. I'd broken things off with someone before I'd came and well after too because things weren't working out. Then for good measure threw in a broken engagement that got them all in a tizzy. I'm hopeful that will keep me from being set up anytime soon. While I appreciate that they think highly enough of me that they want me happy and were willing to set me up with their sons. I'm really not looking for that. My inner monologue was going well I didn't lie, just skipped some pronouns. I also shouldn't tell them I've got a lunch date. Wouldn't go well.

Oh and the lunch date stood me up. However she has called to grovel and apologize and she wants to reschedule. I'm not holding my breath but I have to give credit that she has been very good on the taking responsibility and apologizing front, which is a nice change.

Today's laughter involved trying to get digital pictures printed out at Emart... Then the nice lady wanted to know and practice her English as to who was in the pictures... Aunt, Uncle, counsins they get... I'm not sure how to explain cousin's kids and husband. I did get a discount and an upgrade on the picture sizes so it was worth it.

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