Monday, December 15, 2008

Korean Medicine part 3

I've had several nasty colds over here. I know it's part of my body building up immunity to a whole new set of germs. But on this last one my friendly doctor down the street decided she wasn't messing with it. I'd gone in and then gone back to get a second set of drugs. She decided that she was pulling out the big guns on whatever it was. We did the usual yes runny nose, no only a little cough, yes it is a productive cough, no sinus pressure. She added antibiotics to the set of pills. Then she said I needed a shot. I was like ok after years of allergy shots and such I'm really not phased by a shot in the arm. New problem... they don't give shots in the arm here. I get ushered by my doctor into a different treatment room. One of the nice nurses waved me behind a curtain and proceeded to fill a syringe with something. Then she was like.. um. Sorry, Konglish not good. I was like arm? Getting ready to figure out how to bare my arm from several layers. She was like a... butt,, no... a.. buttocks? I was like My BUTT?!? You need to give me a shot in the... a.. ok she's like pants, down. *Sigh* Ok.. I'll drop them. She then massages my butt a bit and then wipes it off with an alcohol wipe and I got a shot in my rear. Then she massages it a bit more and then tells me to rub a little bit and I'm done. I pull my pants up and walk out from behind the curtain I had an audience. I was then handed a tangerine and told I was ok to go. I paid my 2,900won at the counter, walked out the door and headed to the pharmacy with my prescription. Going this is just one of those cultural things. I walk in and the pharmacist smiled said hi and took my prescription. I chatted a little with him while they were filling it. He gave me the directions told me same as before, take after meals, and see you Saturday. I was thinking I hope not. I want to be done with this and no more shots in the butt please.

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