Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Little Things

I learned a while ago not to sweat the little stuff. I learned not to stress over things that in the long run don't mean much.
But that's not what this is about. This is about the little things people do that end up meaning a lot more. I've always been pretty good about trying to make those little gestures for friends and loved ones. I short email to tell someone I miss them. A joke when I know someone just needs a smile. A phone call to someone just to listen to their voice, when they need someone to listen. I don't know if I really appreciated those things in return as much as I should have before. This week little things have been giving me huge smiles. I'm truly grateful for them. From a voice mail, to a doughnut, or even just a song dedicated on facebook. They have given me just a little moment of connectedness to those around me and far away.
In a few hours this afternoon I was given so much in ways that I don't know if the people who gave them to me even know what the gifts meant. This morning I got a great laugh from one of my co teachers as she was looking at my calendar and saw where I'd put TT down as Teachers training she thought it was the emoticon for crying about the training. We laughed at how the same thing could mean two completely different things. She's one of the teachers I really like I feel bad that she's so nervous but yet she's getting pushed hard by the administration to learn English and practice with me.
At lunch the Principal came by she wanted to practice her English but she wanted Miss Kim around to translate. She had a little trouble with the verbs in the question but I got the meaning and after lunch we went and sat in her office for a few minutes and practiced. That she's really interested in learning English so she can communicate with me really means a lot to me. I know it has to take a good deal for her to make the effort but I really admire her. She's leading by example. I know she got up and lectured the faculty the other week about how they should take advantage of having me there and just try to talk to me. Sometimes I worry I'm not doing a good job, but then things like that happen and I know that I must be doing something right.
After my first open class I was talking to Miss Kim about a couple of things and one of the students Shawn had left me a Krispy Kreme doughnut. They had been having some sort of celebration with pizza and soda while I'd had the open class the students had wanted me to stay. They understood I had to go teach. I had a short conversation about how Krispy Kreme's are like home. Miss Kim joked they were the devil's doughnuts cause they were so good yet so bad for you. I'm going to have to find Shawn in the morning and thank him.
After school I was walking out and the 6-3 teacher stopped me to talk for a second. She was wondering who Stitch was. Yes my big stuffed Stitch had a place in my open lesson. She thought he was cute and we laughed at the lesson and all. It was a start. I'll take any starts. I made it downstairs. Worried I was going to get caught being the crazy American again. I did get stopped by the shoe closet by the number 3 in the school. She really doesn't speak much English but she has a great personality and is a great teacher. We said hello and then she was headed up the stairs, then she stopped came back and handed me two tangerines. It's those sort of gestures, no English involved that say some thing good is there.
I got home took my cold meds and was about to nap and saw JP online so I stopped to talk to him. I really miss him. I know he's missing me too. We didn't say anything especially poignant. It was just the time. A few minutes out of the day to just be there for each other and let one another know we're there even from opposite sides of the world. Then he left me a song dedication. It's a song that makes me think of him. But it meant a lot, He knows what music means to me.
I am very grateful for the little things. They make my world a much nicer place daily.

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