Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Typical Day... so far

I'm sitting here reading lesson plans trying to come up with games and thinking about how similar schools and children are all over the world. Students here are excited, and animated. They do their work and try to understand the teacher speaking in rapid fire English. Back home the kids were excited and ran down the halls just like they do here. Main difference the kids here are in sock feet or slippers.
So far a typical day for me involves coming in getting my slippers from the cabinet and putting my shoes up. Then I go by and say good morning to the principal and vice principal. I run up the stairs to the 4th floor and unlock my classroom, open the windows, turn on the fans and crank up the computer. (Not much different than in APS.) Most days I have first period off so I chill and go over lesson plans for the teachers so that the English in them is proper. Then I co-teach at least 3 classes with one of the other teachers. Today I'm teaching 3 classes of 6th graders... I met the students the other day with Miss K. my co teacher.
After 4th period we go down to lunch where I get laughed at about my ability to use chopsticks and I try to get a decent idea about what I'm eating. Yesterday was sweet and sour pork and the ever present kimchi and rice which I'm growing to love. Then there was these little dried green things with a sauce and peanuts. Well I thought they were pretty good just a little salty. They were anchovies I learned later... good for calcium. I will probably eat them again. There is a sports competition this afternoon so I'm going to watch it and take pictures. Yesterday we ran errands and go my bank account opened and turned in my paperwork for my Alien Registration Card or (ARC) which I can't really do anything with out it.
I'm going to have to talk about finding a way to keep my internet at home on without it. Otherwise I'll be MIA for a little while and just able to check emails at school. I may try to go find a cell phone after school today.

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