Sunday, September 14, 2008

Feeling Like Home

I've been in Korea for almost three weeks now. I realized yesterday as I was walking around my neighborhood that it's beginning to feel like home. I did my errands and tried (unsuccessfully) to reload my bus card at the bank... I really need to learn Korean.. then I might be able to figure out how to do it that way. I also managed to go to the bigger grocery at the DongA department store. I got in some provisions for the long weekend since stores are supposedly going to be closed today and maybe some tomorrow for the holiday. I then walked home noticing that the Lotte near my usual bus stop was open so I made a note to run back down there after I got my groceries home so I could recharge my card there.
When I walked back down I said hi and had a couple of conversations with students who were enjoying their holiday break. Got to the bus stop handed the nice old guy in the wheelchair who works there my card and a 10000won bill (about $10) so I'd have enough on my card to get around for the next few weeks. Each ride on the bus is about 950won. Subways are a little more but I don't live on a line so I don't ride them much. He smiled and thanked me as he handed me back my card with a new little protective sleeve on it. I thanked him and bowed in Korean and headed down the street to the corner with my fruit guy, bakery, and the little convenience store, to run the rest of my errands. I looked at the fruit and decided I didn't need any right now, but still said hello and gave a little bow since he had greeted me as I walked up. Then I stopped by the cellphone store and wished Judy and Ken a Happy Cheusock. Next was the bakery to buy some fresh bread. As I was doing this I realized I really could make this home for the next year or so. Things were feeling more and more comfortable. I can get around and take care of business. I manage to start to be able to figure out what is what and what Korean food I like. I got my water and oj and then carried all of my stuff up the hill to my place.
I also found some stuff at the DongA to try and MacGuiver my shower head so I wasn't always having to hold the shower head if I wanted to get wet. $3 in parts later I had made a suction cup hook and zip tie rig that took care of my shower woes. I can now stand under the water without having to hold the shower head.
I was supposed to go out to Jody's birthday party last night but after getting lost in the rain I decided that a taxi home was a better idea with the cold I was beginning to feel coming on. So it was a quiet night in after my adventures in the rain. I was right though... I've got one of my classic beginning of the school year colds. I'm taking care to drink lots and take my 12hour sudafed. Hopefully I'll be feeling better by tomorrow when I've planned to go hiking.
Oh and there are no pictures of the adventures in the Herbal Medicine Market thanks to my cf reader dying on me. I figure I'll find another soon and then there will be lots of pictures up. I'm also going to try to do a separate post about my two wild nights this weekend... those I do have pictures from since I only carry my little camera out on those trips.

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