Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Look into my ipod

Since I mentioned last post that I'd been keeping myself sane on a steady diet of music from home. I figured now was as good a time as any to mention who had been weighing heavily on the play list.

  • Lindsey Hinkle: mainly a mix of really old and some new. Things like Right Here, Right Now and Already Gone, with occasionaly Blackberry Winter and Thinker than Water have been staples of my rides to town and waking up.
  • Jennifer Daniels: Day to Live and Welcome to Your Life, Both have been heavily played. Welcome to your life sometimes in my head as I hike up the stairs to my office in the morning doing the bowing and smiling game with other teachers and students.
  • Adrianne: seems to be getting an awfully lot of play on my ipod... no songs in particular... just her name keeps popping up.
  • Diane Durrett: Soul Sing has been getting a bit of play plus an odd assortment of others. Doesn't help that Beth called me from D-town on Sunday morning and I got to hear part of her set there. Talk about adding to the home sickness. It's bitter sweet.
  • Edie Carey also has been getting some play just as music I can listen to and think back to different memories of interesting moments in Atlanta.
  • Marc Brousard also gets some play... Home most notably.
  • Zac Brown Band: Toes and Chicken Fried.... mainly as I'm dreaming of some exotic beach at my winter holiday.
  • Sugarland gets some play but...not as much as when I was home.
  • Emily Kate Boyd: completely depends on my mood if I play her or skip. Mainly cause I've had too many emotions swirling around to take it right now. When things are stable I love her stuff.
So that's a quick glance at what has been sustaining my music fixes here. and no I have to run to school.

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