Thursday, September 25, 2008

Teaching the Teachers, and Misc. Stuff

I have to admit the thing that scares me the most is teaching my colleagues. Usually because I respect them so much that it's like I have to do an even better job than normally. If there is anyone who can see through a BS lesson it's another teacher. So today I taught my first lesson to the staff here. I was nervous and I think over prepared a little. It went well though. I gave them some game ideas and went over some more advanced vocabulary for the clinic lessons. There really is nothing funnier than watching a group of adults all do the hokey pokey. Seriously... I was laughing, they were laughing, but everyone knew right, left, hand, arm, elbow, foot, hip, by the time we were done. I guess that's part of my teaching here. I just had to get over myself and have fun.
It was fun to watch them get over the whole propriety thing and just have fun and learn. It makes me feel like I might just make it.

After the lesson we were sitting and I was talking to my 5th grade co teacher. He translated for the VP a few questions then he translated a huge compliment for me about how everyone really likes me as a teacher that I'm an asset to the school since I really prepare for lessons and I am a huge improvement over the previous teacher. They also said I must be great because my after school classes are growing. Students are telling other students to sign up and teachers are telling parents the same thing. It's good to hear that. I also had him translate that the number 3 at the school is a great teacher. I can tell because her class is fun to work with and you can see that her students love her. There are several teachers like that here. I just know that when you can tell even without understanding half of what is said in a class that they are having fun and they love to be there. It's a good teacher.
I'm hopeful that I got paid today... I didn't get a pay stub or anything. I figure I'll ask Miss. K about that tomorrow. She had a meeting this afternoon so I was on my own. Now it's almost time to go home and I'm hiding in my office listening to my ipod writing. Most of my work for next week is done, just a few things left to prep.

Things are looking up even after my butt kicking from Atlanta I received via Skype earlier this week. It was well deserved. It's all good now. I still miss home, but I really am starting to look forward to things here. Pusan in a couple of weeks, and Seoul in November, I'm thinking either Thailand or Vietnam for the February break.

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