Thursday, September 4, 2008

Conversation Foibles.

I keep feeling like I might be screwing up... but yet I know I'm not. Monday night I was sitting at home, having just gotten home from a walk. *bang, bang* on my door so I went and answered it. A large Korean man was standing there and started talking to me in rapid fire Korean... I'm like... um... I don't speak Korean. Then it was do you speak English... no answer... more Korean then he shut my door on me and walked off. I came back in shook my head and chalked it up to part of the experience.
Tuesday night I was on Skype with Beth and the same thing started. This time I had the fore thought to hand him paper and a pen and tell him if he wrote it down I could get it translated at school. He came in and we had a friendly game of charades about the mold and the wallpaper. The end result, I think I'm getting purple wallpaper on Saturday morning.

Yesterday while I was sitting at the computer in the language lab also known as my office a little woman came by trying to see the lab. I bowed and greeted her. (that's about the limit of my Korean so far.) She took notes in Korean then today came back with a Linguistics professor who translated that they are parents of students and they wanted to see the lab. I answered some questions, thankfully in English. Miss K. my co-teacher was teaching in the other room and I think could see and was amused at my panic. I think it's all good I made sure I bowed really low to both parents as they were leaving. I also got out a thank you in Korean.

Today I'm going to try again to get a cellphone. There is one place I found that speaks English so I'm headed back there today. I'm also going to make sure to get them to draw me a map of where the other store I'm going to have to go to to get it turned on is. I'm getting pretty good at wandering my neighborhood and finding things. If I get my cellphone on I'm treating myself to Baskin Robins. Which is a good 20 minute walk from my apartment near a KFC and across from the Donga A department store. As I've said before it's a steep learning curve but I'm enjoying it.

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