Thursday, October 16, 2008

Time for a little peace and quiet.

You are probably feeling more confident about yourself and the possible outcome of your recent actions. Even if you previously doubted yourself, now things finally begin to turn around. Yet it may be difficult to loosen up enough to accept life just the way it is and people just as they are. Still, once you do, you gain the gift of true vision empowering you to shine as an inspiring leader

That was my horoscope for today... which I know many who know me well are probably laughing at. I'm doing better mainly because I have no choice but to just accept things. I know somethings I could have handled better but overall I'm happier this week. I've learned to walk (an in some cases RUN) away from the nonsense going on around me so that I can enjoy things here. I'm working on nurturing friendships with those who also think that spending the whole weekend either at the bar or hungover is not what they want to do.
On Saturday I'm headed off to Jijiksa Temple for a overnight temple stay. I'm looking forward to this because I figure a little peace and quiet can go a long way. After all of the rapid fire changes that come with moving overseas to finally try and find some peace and quiet is just what the doctor ordered. I should be writing a quiz for the broadcast but I'm not sure how I want to do it this week... I'm going to try and bounce a couple of ideas off of my co teacher late today. I also have to secure her help with going to the bank tomorrow to send some money home... which I've heard can range from easy to insane. I'm hoping for easy.

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