Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grabbed and copied from myspace

So where is home now?
Current mood: pensive

I don't usually blog here. I keep myself to my old faithfuls of Blogger and LJ. Most of my Korea experience so far is well documented on various places on the web. My pictures are safely ensconced on flickr, weekly or sometimes more often ramblings of what I'm doing, how things are going, what sort of funny things have happened to me, are classified as either clean or dirty and placed on the correct blog.

I was just reading Doria Roberts blog that she had done for the AJC and started laughing... 5 weeks till your own bed. Ha try a year or more. But then I thought... well that kinda is my bed now sitting in the corner. It's mine till I move on from Daegu. I may wander over Korea and the world from here but it's home for the moment. No matter how much my heart aches when I think of Atlanta and friends and family waiting for me to get the wander out of me so I can think more clearly about settling.

I'm very lucky the roots I grew there are pretty long. I can feel pieces of home even when I'm on the other side of the world.

It's not just the Atlanta people I miss and wish I could call up at a moments notice to share some strange insight of the day with. It's people I've known at different points in my life. Then I remember it's around 2 am there and I can't just call on my cellphone. That's when I smile, remember how lucky I am to have those people, hope I remember when I make it back to my little apartment and send them off an email.

The other side of that is when you don't hear back... the out of sight out of mind thing has taken over. I haven't been there for 2 months so I've been forgotten. I know it's not everyone. But there are some who I know don't think of me very often. I guess that's how it is for those who leave and those who are left. One person different for some, isn't much. Where as no familiar faces for another leaves strange holes where people and things once were.

I've gotten some of my biggest smiles over here when I've gotten just a short note out of the blue from someone, saying they were thinking of me. It's not always the person I thought I'd hear from either. I was telling a friend here yesterday that I'd gotten an email from a friend and it just made my day.. he was like, yeah I wish I'd get a few of those. I was sitting on a bus the day before talking to another teacher and she was telling me how lucky I am that I know who I am and I have friends who support that. She's working through losing friends because they don't share the same world view anymore. All I could say is, Yeah, I am lucky. I lived through losing people who didn't understand me. Not everyone can handle a different view.

People and things change. I know when I go back to Atlanta, it won't be the same. The people there will have changed. I will have changed. I know I've started to see the changes in myself already. I however do know that under the changes at the core, there will be somethings that are the same. That's what I look forward to, a year or more from now, going home to those things and people I've missed.

Oh and the craziest thing is when you crave just one thing... and it's something you can't find here. So when you have a chicken biscuit or sandwich from Chick-fil-a think of those of us who can't have one but would have wanted one badly last week when they were hunting for a hangover cure.

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