Friday, April 24, 2009

Korean Questions

There are certian questions Koreans always ask. They know that they aren't proper questions in other places but here they are. So as I was sitting at the accupuncturists on thursday afternoon. He was examining my ankle and heel and making small talk. He asked "I know you must get asked this all the time but, are you married?" My standard reply no, I'm not. A little while later after he'd put 6 needles in my ankle he started asking me about what exercise I do and did I know fleps? huh? Phelpsa? Ah... yes Micheal Phelps. Typical Korean pronunciation with an added vowel. It comes from how Hangul is written and spoken. It makes much more sense to me now that I've been studying Korean.
Then after twisting the needles and checking them. Every time he'd go out turn the lights off in the room, I'd hear him talking to the other doctor and nurse in Korean. He'd come back in with another set of questions. I started getting the feeling that even though his English is good he was going out and discussing my answers with the other doctor and looking up words to ask me another set of questions.
The last time he came in for my foot he took out the needles and asked if he could give me a treatment for my shape as service. For those of you who don't know service here is when you get something for free. So he wanted to stick me with another set of needles for free. I was like ok why not. Then he asks so what shape is your sister? I was I don't have one. I have a brother. He's tall and thin like my father. He was then like what shape is your mother. Oh.. my mom... she's short and round. He palpitates my stomach and then pulls out the longest needle I've seen yet it was probably 5 inches long but as thin as fishing line. I got 4 of those in my stomach. Two on each side. I really find it funny. The doctor says I'm fat and gives me a free treatment to try and fix that. The school lunch ladies say I'm getting to skinny and need to eat more. Not sure which it is... but hey if the needles work I'm willing to go with it.
Anyway you put it my heel is feeling a bit better and the doctor is nice and it's not too expensive to go in and see him I'll go back on Monday for another round on my foot.

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