Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Things I've learned recently

  • You know you've grown up when you no longer are fearless.
  • Snowboarding is not my cup of tea.
  • I like to keep my legs independent... don't strap them to something so I can't move them. (makes me an unhappy camper.)
  • Karma is orney sometimes. (I'm beginning to get the pay back for all the times I teased Beth and JP about being old.)
  • The chain keeps going. Eventually new links get added on.
  • I really like traveling by train.
  • It's good to just laugh at yourself sometimes.
  • It's even better to just lay there an laugh when you slide and flip and still land on your ass with your head facing down the mountain.
  • Old skills will come back with a little practice.
  • I really am glad to have made some of the friends I have here in Korea.
  • Just because you miss people doesn't mean you have to go back and be with them.
  • I still have a lot to learn here.
  • Some things never fully heal.
  • Passing on gifts you've received feels good and is important in building links in the chain.
  • Your past will always come and surprise you when you least expect it.
  • I've been very lucky in my life.
  • The things that have shaped me I would never change. I'm very happy being me and where I am now.

1 comment:

john said...

you go grass hopper !!!