Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I've been remiss

or at least that's what my mom keeps telling me. She keeps hearing from my Aunt that I haven't updated my blog... what's wrong? How come I haven't written?

Um... I've been busy and the writting bug hasn't bitten.

Yeah.. that's what's been going on. I've been traveling and teaching winter camps and traveling more. Learning things, seeing cool things, and trying not to get too lost while wandering around Korea. I do have stories to tell from my travels to Jeju, Busan and Seoul. However I also have to teach classes, plan, try to edit some pictures (I only took around 1,000 while I was traveling) upload said pictures and then write captions and then blog about what all I did.
Have I mentioned I like to sleep. Yeah.. so I'm a little behind but fear not I will attempt to start catching up on my blogging and such in the next week or so. If I don't... I'm fine just busy.

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