Friday, November 7, 2008

Obama overseas.

Last night I was riding in a taxi back from Manchon where I got off the subway. I'd been planning on taking the bus home but due to the temprature and the hour of the evening I decided to just grab a taxi. I got in a waiting cab and managed to give the driver directions in Korean. As I was riding through the night and looking out at the fall leaves in the dark and High school students in their uniforms coming home from cram academies at 10pm I started to hear words I recoginized on the radio.
It was KBS talking about Obama's victory. They were playing some audio clips of his speech in Grant park. I got a little teary eyed. The face of the US abroad was changing... and it was changing for the better. I may not be entirely sure but I'd much rather have him as the face of where I'm from over the shrub. The story then went on to have clips of Michelle Obama talking. It was a moment. I was proud of being an American. I'm not sure what the reporters were saying in Korean... but I do know the tone sounded promising and hopeful. I think it will just boil down to lets see what happens from here. I'm sure things will be skewed by the Korean media... but that's nothing new here.
Then as I walked up the hill from where I got the taxi to drop me in the cold fall night... I realized I was a long way from home.

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