Sunday, August 24, 2008

Knowing Things

This actually starts off several months ago. JP was brining me books to read at Woofs. Assigned reading you might say. Most of them I was like ok I can see why you'd want me to read that. But there was one that I miss read the title on I thought it said three minute mediation, I was like JP I know you have been predicting a major blow out with Beth but I'm hoping I'll be gone by then, what good will that do me. He looked at me like I was nuts. It really said three minute meditation. Oops. Well I took the book and was like ok whatever. Maybe I'll read it maybe I won't. JP joked that I dropped the book like it was on fire but that I'd need it sometime soon. He was right about a month later way too much was going on and I couldn't calm down or get focused. He told me to pick it up. I did and it helped. So I've kinda learned that those books that scare me the most can sometimes be the ones I will need the most later.
About to or three weeks ago I got on a Richard Bach kick. It was part of my assigned reading for the summer. I really enjoyed Illusions so I figured go and see what else he'd written. I looked at several of his other books at the library. I picked up Bridge Across Forever and had that same feeling I'd had with the meditation book. Put it down and kept looking for things to read. Fast forward to this week, I was at Borders looking for airplane reading and it practically jumped off the shelf at me. So I bought it. I'm only a few pages in, but with everything else going on in my life. I think it might be helpful.
Meeting someone like Robin at this point in my life is a challenge. It's a test to see if I've really learned my lessons this far and if I'm ready for her. I really don't know. I do know that I'm going to be as open and honest and truthful as I can. I'm also going to do my best to communicate what I need and what is really going on with me. We've managed so far to navigate and have some real honest conversations about those key landmine conversations. We've come out of them laughing and talking so there is hope. All I know right now is, it is what it is and it will be what it will.

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