Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Don't Panic!

Really, don't. I know I've been here too long when news that there has been shelling along the North Korea border results in a "hmm.. really? ok." and that's the end of my reaction. My first year here there were some missile tests and that resulted in major panic from home. I was a bit nervous. When I talked to the Koreans about it they were so used to it that they were amused by my fear. Last year when the Cheonan was sunk. There was the first bit of actual worry amongst the Koreans I'd seen. Though there was also some anger in that. Now if you mention it basically you get a shrug and well that's just North Korea acting up again.

This one reminds me of 9/11 in some ways. The weekend after 9/11 I had plans to go to Atlanta from Augusta to spend time with friends. It was going to be a birthday weekend with people I'd grown close to. Then 9/11 happened and my family panicked. Why would you want to go to a big city where there are lots of targets to hit?!? They asked. They thought it wasn't smart for me to go. My response was if I change my plans and stop living my life out of fear then they have already won.
Same here. If I change my plans to go to Seoul and spend time with friends because there was a little artillery fire then fear has won.

Part of this whole adventure of living and teaching overseas is the facing of fear. Pushing boundaries, stretching my comfort zones. So I can't let my fears win. I'll be on the KTX on Saturday heading to Seoul. I'll then spend time with people I love there and have a great time.
Will I be cautious about some things yes. But I'm not going to let fear rule my life.

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