Thursday, September 16, 2010


A little over 13 years ago I had just gotten my first apartment and was attempting to not get a pet for it. I was a year from graduating Marietta College and didn't know where I was going to end up after that. I was doing a summer internship on campus so I had a little extra time and a car so I figured I could go volunteer at the local Humane Society. I went with a friend there to find out about opportunities to help out. They gave us a tour of the facility, I was tempted by some of the dogs they had there but, could stick to my guns. I'd help out and then not get a pet. Then I walked into the cat room where there was a serious over crowding problem going on. I looked at all the little faces and I could feel my resistance wavering. Then I was about to leave this little paw shot out of a cage and hooked my shirt. I turned and the sweetest face was staring at me challenging me to leave her behind. I unhooked myself and asked why there was a red tag on the cage. That cage was scheduled to have all of it's occupants put to sleep in two days. They had been there a month and the shelter had a massive over crowding problem. I couldn't walk away but didn't know if I could have pets in my new place. I got a hold put on the whole cage all three kittens. I went home and called my landlady. She was okay with 1 cat but no dogs, so long as I got her fixed as soon as I could.
The next day I went to the shelter again and picked up my child. Even as a kitten she had "Sass" which is where her name Sassafrass came from. Over the years she was the best judge of people. I should have known when she didn't like someone to get them out of my life quick. The ones she loved, well she really loved them. My best friend since high school doesn't really like cats, but she loves Sass. Which is pretty impressive since when she would come and visit Sass would sleep on her head. (only person she ever did that too.)
Now 13 years later I'm having to say goodbye to Sassafrass. She was a great cat. She helped me study through the end of one college degree and a whole second one. She was always there in her way just cuddled up right next to me. It didn't matter where I was living, when she was there it was home. When I moved to Korea, I knew that at age 11 she was a bit too old to make the flight. Though she was great on car rides for the first 4 years of her life. So thankfully my parents were willing to take her in and give her a good home and company in the form of their 2 cats.
This summer while I was home I noticed how much slower she was at walking around my parents house. She wasn't chasing after the other cats as she had previously. She also wasn't walking up the stairs if she could. She would be walking along and her hind legs would suddenly give out and she would end up laying down where ever she was. I talked to the vet about choices of things that could be done to help her. There were a couple of different medicines that we could try but the arthritis in her knees combined with her hips had gotten too bad. So I made sure I said my goodbyes and held her a little tighter the last few days I was with her. I knew that this year when I made it home again she probably wouldn't be there.
Last night, I made one of the hardest choices. She had always been a proud and independent cat. I wasn't going to make her suffer. When the pain and deterioration had gotten to the point where she wasn't able to make it to the litter box and she was also not herself anymore. It's time. So Thursday morning September 16th, my child will make her final car ride with my mom. I wish I could be there and hold her one last time. I know it's the right choice, when the quality of life gets to a certain point it's time.
So goodbye Sass, I love you and I'll miss you.

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