Saturday, June 12, 2010

Point of View shift

Up till sometime in the last 6 months I was always just looking for someone to have a good time with. I wasn't even thinking long term. Why should I? I've become a bit of a wanderer. I love not knowing more than a year ahead where I'm going to be or what I'm going to be doing. Underneath that I've started to realize that this life would be nicer if I had someone to share it with. Not a need to be completed, but more of looking for someone who would complement me. That leads to bigger challenges. I'm not looking I said I was going to take a year from last August to get my head straight, no women, no relationships, just doing what makes me happy and enjoying this life I've been given. Of course best laid plans always....

So I met a Korean who has confused the heck out of me. We spent an afternoon together and she started asking me questions that go along more with a long term something. Like retirement plans? What is my career plan? Would I move to Seoul? Busan? Other countries? Back to the USA? Talk about a switch from the usual banter I'd gotten to know in flirting and getting to know Americans. Some of those questions I don't know the answers to. I know what I'm thinking about doing in the next 5 years but I've learned that planning much further out is a good reason for God to laugh.

I admittedly tried to ask her for a second outing and got a very friendly brush off. Now I'm getting texts from her about Pride. Really don't understand it at all. However at some point I've learned to not rush things. I'm willing to take my time, she seems worth my patience. Someone who's life might actually complement mine and not make me feel reigned in, while adding companionship to my adventures.

Feels strange to actually be calm about all of this but, it's nice to not be freaking out of my skin about something.

I'm sure I'll write about the whole World Cup phenomena here later... but tonight I'm going to go observe it. There is a big street party and viewing of the first Korea game downtown. Considering the amount of red that has been popping up everywhere it should be a good time.

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