Monday, July 12, 2010

Short update

  • I go home in 2 weeks for my renewal vacation.
  • Baseball in Korea is way more fun than going to games in the US.
  • 5 hours on a wooden bench type seat talking to someone certainly should mean something.
  • I may be a dragon but she's a scorpion.
  • I'm too old/ too much of a morning person to stay out or up till 3 am two nights in a row and still get up and function both days, with out there being consequences later.
  • Re-reading "Bridge Across Forever"
  • Visa renewal is tomorrow... which means an afternoon at Immigration asking if I can stay.
  • Koreans should be poker players.
  • I'm missing a chapter from my handbook... either it was never written or I'm supposed to learn this one on my own.
  • Slow as molasses is good.
  • Saying goodbye to my crew sucks.
  • I really need a nap.

Oh and I know you're reading this... give it up. Cause it's creepy.

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