Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's my parents and National Geographic's Fault

I haven't fallen off the face of the earth but I have been very busy recently. Along with my regular teaching and trying to make sure I see my friends here in Daegu, I've been planning. Well, really planning, plotting, saving, reading, researching, and trying to make some general plans for this coming winter break.  So where am I headed?
I leave New Years day for Beijing, China. It's a short 3 day 2 night tour but it covers the highlights.  I'm going with a good friend here who will probably head home next fall,  we wanted to do a big trip together before then.  I've wanted to go to the Great Wall since I was in Elementary school. I would sit and read and look at the pictures in my parents National Geographics and think that I'd really like to see that but probably never would. Heck, I didn't really like the stir-fry when Mom made it so how would I survive traveling in a country where that was like most of what they ate. UGH! YUCK!! Not for me. Of course I grew up and I've discovered they eat a lot of different things and stir- fry is not the only thing.  Of course when I was in seventh or eight grade... I can't remember which I just remember it was Social Studies with Mrs. Grierson. We talked about China and the riots in Tienanmen Square.  I still had that hang up about the food but, kept thinking that would be so amazing to see.  So now it's twenty years later and I just paid for my trip to Beijing. I'm actually going to see those things I sat and dreamed about when I was about 10 years old. Some of the people I've talked to about this have been going... um it's two months out... if you're this excited now you're going to be bouncing off the inside of the plane when the time gets here.  I know... I'm working on trying to stay focused on work and not build it up too much... but the inner 10 year old is winning some days.

I'm also taking a second trip in mid or late January not sure which thanks to having to wait on my winter camp assignments from the DMOE. This one is more my Mom's fault. Around the time I started getting really burned out teaching in Atlanta, she handed me a book "Eat, Pray, Love" told me she thought I'd like it.  What came from it is another little kernel of a dream to travel to Bali. Add in a couple of years of cold weather and craving a beach and warmth in the middle of winter and you have my second destination this winter.  I'll be there for around a week and try to see a good chunk of the island and relax and get ready for the new school year with a new co-teacher.

Along with those two big trips I've been doing short trips to Busan and Seoul, trying to soak up as much as I can in short periods of time. This weekend I'm going to Busan on a "Girls Weekend" with Desi, since she'll be heading back to Atlanta for good in February. Hopefully the weather holds and we get sun and maybe something warmer than the 55 degrees it's been averaging most of this week.

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