Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm a conservative?

I get some interesting information some days by just sitting around forcing the Korean teachers to speak in English. Yesterday afternoon I was eating cake and talking to Sunny. We were talking about Halloween coming up and what I was going to do for it this year. I said as much as I love Halloween in the states, really wasn't planning on joining in on any of the craziness this year here. I knew there are things planned here, but after last year I realized that it probably wasn't the best idea. She asked me why I said that. I explained that I'd realized it really didn't help the cause of foreign teachers here to dress up and act foolish. That it just gives people a bad idea about us.
She then quickly looked up a word in Korean online and then said that I must be really conservative. I almost snorted my coffee out my nose. I explained that no I really wasn't conservative but I realized that I had to act more conservative here so that I could be respected.  She said I was well liked by all the other teachers because I acted respectful of their culture.

I started thinking last night about how much I hide here. I don't just hide the big things but there are little things I change. I don't do it to be deceitful but I know that if they knew everything about me their opinion of me would change drastically.  I know I'm not conservative but I know I act like one in someways here just so that I can be respected. Its one of the prices I pay to make sure that I'm seen as a real teacher not just a dancing monkey that most foreigners are seen as.

ok time to go teach...  will work on this more later

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