Monday, July 21, 2008

Like jumping out of a perfectly good plane

I had someone questioning my sanity the other day. Actually they called me crazy... not like a bad thing, just not what is expected. I'm good with that. I know I've never really followed the "normal" path. I found while I was packing one of my recommendation letters for college. It talked about how I marched to the beat of my own drummer and found ways to do things I wanted to with in the system when they weren't there (gospel choir, independent studies, etc). I know I frustrate administrators by finding loopholes so that I can do things with students that might not be conventional but they have lasting and important impacts.
This whole taking off for a new country has felt like I'm getting ready to jump out of a perfectly good plane. I was set here in Atlanta. I had a contract, tenure, a good school, good friends, family, nice place to live. All the basics were covered. But now here I am sitting here a week before leaving Atlanta, hoping contracts get places quickly so I can do all my paperwork in the next week.
I've jumped from the plane... actually I jumped in April when I turned down the contract. I've been hanging in free fall since then. It's like I've got a chute on my back but who knows if there really is a properly packed chute in there. Now with word that my contract is being written it's like the first little chute has popped. I know there is a big parachute in there now, it's just a question as to how much more of a free fall am I going to take before it fully catches me.
This has been a leap of faith. I've had to trust that I needed to do this and that it's where I'm supposed to be. Now that I'm actually in it I'm trying to look around and enjoy the feeling of being here. It's a rush... similar to any number of them that I've experienced. I love it... the adrenaline rush, Just having one last for months is a bit much at times. I'm looking for a break, just a small piece of quiet to reflect and be at peace with myself.
This week is going to be insane, no peace for me. Today I've got errands to run all over the city to make sure I have storage and everything set, then the Panthers meeting tonight. Tomorrow, I'll be sitting and waiting for the Salvation Army to come and pick up things. Wednesday is my last haircut with Phil who I'm truly going to miss... he just knows how to make my hair look good and behave. I've also got a date and I'm going to see Three5Human one more time. Thursday has nothing officially on it yet. Friday my Smartbox should show up. Saturday is load it up with everything. Sunday is my Farewell Party. Monday last touches on the apartment to make sure things are done and Lindsey and EKB at Smith's then Tuesday morning early I'll head out for Augusta and a little down time before I head off to Korea at the end of August.
Hopefully at some point in this I will sleep.

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