Tuesday, July 22, 2008

From my Farewell to the Panthers

This is from what I said to the Panthers tonight as I said officially goodbye and thank you to them for the last couple of years.

I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for your friendship and support over the last year and a half. You have all in some way helped me in my journey in leather. I know that the foundations and roots that you have helped me to form with the leather community will serve me well where ever my journey takes me.

I’m taking many happy memories with me. From watching and helping with Swine to Swan and Prowl shows, to just random moments at bar nights where I was educated about everything from lube to cock rings. There were also moments where I was down and felt supported by many of the members. One example is from Track this year where I was dealing with the lack of knowledge as to what was happening to my school after the tornado and the out pouring of support and comfort given to me not only by members of the Panthers but also other clubs helped me to not worry so much about it but enjoy the run.

I don’t know how long I’m going to be gone, but I do want you to know that you will be with me no matter where my journey takes me. Thank you.

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