Sunday, September 6, 2009

Perfect weekend back in Korea.

Round trip ticket to Busan = 32,000 won
Motel for the night= 39,000 won
Drinks, dinner, cab fare= 28,000 won
Playing 6 degrees of separation with a group of Lesbians in Korea and finding less than 1 degree using friends back home = PRICELESS!!!!

Went down to Busan on Saturday and spent the afternoon, evening, wee hours of the morning with an amazing group of women. I'm going to have to make sure I can make it to a few more of these weekends. Not a hook up group just like minded women hanging out and having fun. It was exactly what the doctor ordered. I'm now back in Daegu and getting ready to go do some shopping for the new place and I'm completely relaxed and grounded for the first time in what feels like forever.

I'm probably going to crash hard later today but it was completely worth it.

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