Thursday, June 26, 2008

Guess I'm not the only one...

I read a good number of blogs daily. I've been reading Ex-pat blogs for over a year as my idea for leaving here and going to teach in Korea was forming. There are probably about 6 or 7 blogs I check daily and then there are a few I check in with weekly. One of them linked to a new blog of a person who is about to take off to live in Spain. She's on leave this week doing some last minute traveling and had a guest blogger yesterday who honestly listed out some of the steps I've been taking the last couple of months and am still working on to properly close this chapter of my life.
I've been working on my list of places I've ever wanted to see in Atlanta. This week is The Center for Puppetry Arts. I've always loved the Muppets and there are several exhibits of them there. I'm also planning a trip over to see the MLK jr Historical Area and Sweet Auburn District. I've gotten just about everything checked off of that list.
I'm now working on my goodbyes. I'm working on saying goodbye to places and people. I've been collecting emails and making sure all the contact information I have for people is up to date. I'm probably sending out a new blog link to everyone in the next few days.

My paperwork has all been mailed out. As I've been telling people I'm sitting in purgatory now. I've done what I can and I'm just waiting a departure date and a final contract. I should have it in my hands in the next week or so.

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