Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring is coming..... I hope.

After the cold and dark of the winter here in Korea everyone is waiting for spring. I know many of us are trying to rush the seasons. I started my spring travels by heading down to Busan in late March to meet up with the gang down there. We played a couple of rounds of screen golf which is popular here in Korea though I'd never played before. Then there was the usual dinner, laughter and drinking. I managed to not stay out too late and get to my motel in time to get about 6 hours of sleep before I hopped a train back to Daegu. These little weekend trips are sanity savers here in Korea because we get a chance to be ourselves with out having to hold back on anything.
The following weekend several of the of us got together again back in Busan to see the Kite festival. Even in a small group of 8 we still can scare Koreans and laugh enough to make us forget that we're thousands of miles from home and our families. There were kite flying competitions and a pot luck picnic on the beach. I took a couple of pounds of trail mix which were inhaled quickly... let one never question the international appeal of trail mix for lesbians. Sometime that afternoon I started to lose my voice most likely due to the yellow dust from China. By the time I got back to Daegu that evening I was sure that it was going to be gone for a few days.
Teaching without a voice is rough when you're teaching in your native language and culture. When you're working with language barriers and cultural issues it gets even more crazy. Thankfully by Thursday my voice was mostly back.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Jinhae to see the Cherry Blossoms which I missed last year. After that I'm in Daegu for a while. Which is good since I've been getting teased about my road warrior ways again.
Otherwise no big news from here I've completed the 1A level of Korean classes and I'll start 1B in a week. It's even more important now that I get a good grasp on Korean since my co teachers English isn't as good.

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