Monday, April 28, 2008

Time is moving fast now

Things are beginning to pick up speed as they always do at this time of year. I've got copies of my transcripts winging their way to the recruiter, essays written and appointments made for physicals and the like. To top all of the Korea paperwork stuff going on I've got the wind down from the school year amping up. Things like 5th grade week are planned, multiple field trips and it's time to organize the room and start selling my teacher stuff that I'm not going to store.
I'm also talking to people about things from my apartment that they want to buy. Add in that I'm going to see my beloved Janice when I leave and you can see that it's a little bit weird to be giving up and getting rid of most of what I've used to call my various apartments home.
There are also subtle signs that I'm leaving going on. Final shows with musicians I've come to call friends. People getting more and more demanding of my time cause they want to spend time with me before I leave. I'm also just soaking in moments. Last night it was Jennifer Daniels at Eddie's. I just soaked in how her voice is clear and pure, I also managed to find that happy place where you can really just feel the music. It's one of the things that is going to kill me about leaving. I'm going to miss my group of happy folk singers who would come through on a regular basis.
JP also keeps pushing and after years of being quiet about things he's opening up and pushing me to go and explore parts of me. It's interesting to see how relationships change.
On that note it's time to shower and get moving today. The anticipated craving for time has started along with the expected flaking on plans.

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