Monday, January 11, 2010

Three days in Beijing... plus the snowfall of the decade.

The dawn of New Year's Day found me sitting at Inchon airport waiting for a flight to Beijing. By lunch time I had landed met my tour companions and tour guide. We then headed off to a restaurant to have Beijing duck. If the first meal was indicative of the rest of the trip, it was going to be good Chinese food the whole way. After lunch we headed off to Tienanmen Square to walk off the lunch. After seeing it on the news for years, I had never really grasped the size of it. It's HUGE! The wind was brisk but not too bad yet since we took a quick walk through and then headed for the Forbidden city that is right behind that famous picture of Mao.
From China

I quickly figured out that after my first introduction to travel in Israel included soldiers with sub machine guns, seeing military presences in foreign countries doesn't really surprise or scare me. There were plenty of guards and soldiers all over both Tienanmen and the Forbidden City.
From China

I could have easily spent days wandering through but I only got a couple of hours. It was really interesting how the emperors thought. They had to be near gods. So they had the largest houses, most concubines (3,000) and many, many gates to protect them from commoners.
From China

From China

After that we headed for a tea house to warm up.
From China
One thing my time there taught me is while I may not like sweet tea I do enjoy many types of good hot tea.
From China

Then it was dinner time and then on to an Amazing Chinese Acrobatic show. By the time we finally landed at our hotel we were exhausted.

We started the second day with a nice breakfast while we watched a few flakes of snow fall outside our hotel. Then it was off to the Great Wall. No words for it either.
From China

From China

From China

Then on to the Ming Tombs.
From China

From China

We wraped up the day with a wonderful dinner, a beer and then massages back at our hotel. Since we had one more long day on the schedule.

Day 3 started with watching very large flakes of snow accumulate. We loaded up our van with our luggage and then headed for the Temple of Heaven. Which was wonderful, we got to see some native Beijingers hanging out, dancing, playing and enjoying life.
From China

From China

We also tried very hard not to slip and fall and the accumulating drifts.
From China

Then to a silk factory and later on to the Summer Palace. When it was built it was 30km outside the city where it was on a man made lake and much cooler than in the Forbidden city. Of course the irony of this was that it was covered in over a foot of snow that had been falling steadily all day.
From China

From China

Later on we headed for the airport so we could catch our flight home to Korea. There was a slight catch in those plans. All of the flights out of China were canceled due to snow. Thankfully our super tour guide took great care of us. She got our flight rescheduled for the next morning. She also took care of getting us re booked into our hotel and a ride back there and back to the airport in the morning. By the time she was done taking care of us, we had dinner on the tour company and breakfast to go with us to the airport.
The short version of the final leg of the trip home was 20 hours and a plane, bus, train and finally taxi.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Beijing Day 1 <1/1/2010>

First day in Beijing was busy. Our guide Wendy met us at the airport and we headed off to have Peking duck for lunch. After a year of Korean food Chinese seems like normal in some ways. We ate too much at lunch and then headed to walk it off at Tienanmen square. It is huge! We didn't stop by Mao's tomb but we did see his picture over the gate. Then we continued on to the Forbidden city. We only got a taste of what was once a huge complex. It was fairly cold yesterday and when we weren't protected by walls the wind was biting.
We also made a visit to a tea house and learned about different types of tea and how to prepare it properly. Then another huge meal and off to an acrobatics show. Think the opening to the Beijing Olympics small scale and up close. Finally we headed to our hotel and crashed.
Today it's the Great Wall, Ming tombs and I think our guide said a jade factory and a pearl shop.